Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Art of Smiling

Have you ever seen
a porcupine smile?
prickly they may be
but even they know how to

the art of smiling
takes up the whole face
I think of smiles
on grandfatherly faces
emphasizing the eyes crinkling
the upturned dimpled cheeks

it has been forgotten
how to smile
even sitting alone-
it is still an option

Seeing smiles makes me grin
No matter how my day goes
I see
And I follow

I am a smiley person.
Like the smiley faces
in emoticons
my face might wrinkle faster
but I don’t care
I know I’ll be happy

I love to see a smile
When other people grin
I know
It’s not a permanent thing
They know how to frown
They are human too
So am I

When I see eye wrinkles
I think of certain people
The ones who know
The art of smiling

Monday, December 5, 2011

I Needed Words Then

There are so many reasons
That I need words
Loss and pain
Love and hope
To feel, I first have words

The first night of college
in my first apartment
a thousand miles from home
I was a stranger
I needed words then

I was homesick
but also lost-
heartsick and alone
I needed words of love

I wanted to define reasons
For silliness and stupidity
Why I act like a child sometimes
And why I love it
I needed words then

I love the childish feelings
but feeling means nothing
unless there is understanding
and acceptance
Words help me understand

I used to hear a joke
about turtles that could fly
it always made me laugh
even that meant more
I needed words then

When I thought of flying turtles
I could laugh and smile
Just the idea of flying turtles
Taught me to look at life
And laugh

There was a night where it was dark
and I am afraid of the dark
all I could see was my cell
the lights were all turned out
I needed words then

If I could define fear
My fear might shrink enough
That I could go to sleep
In that night words saved me

In different times of my life
I needed words
Just to know what I meant
What had happened
So I write

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Love Me

She told me
To make you love me
Telling stories about myself
Getting a connection to you
Making you love me
For me
But I can’t

I think that people love me
They tell me all the time
“Lisa-I love you”
Usually it’s because they are laughing
I didn’t get an obvious joke
Two and a half seconds later
I got it
I’m like that, always

I have been told that I am nice
And I am
I am one of those people
the ones who pick up other people’s trash
I’ll feel bad for talking
When I say something
behind a back
That’s me

I’m one of the touchy feely people
I jump out of nowhere
And give you a hug
I am always hugging
I’ll see a person three times
Every time I see them
They get a hug
That’s me

You know the people who smile a lot?
Their faces permanently grin
You know what I mean
They just smile
In that way
With the half moon dimples
The mouth turned up at the ends
And the eyes
Crinkled at the edges
Those people
I’m one of them

But just because I’m nice
And because I know how to smile
I hug everyone
That doesn’t mean you should love me
If you want to love me
You should know me better than that
Cause hugs and smiles and niceness-
Everyone knows that about me
Love me for more.

Super Strengths

We all know the people
The ones with super strength
bearing the weight of worlds
on their shoulders

When they are sick
They get up
Miserable or not
They will move on
No matter what
These are the people I envy

Other people are strong
In other ways
They listen to every issue
as it is brought to them
they care
no matter how big their plate

I see those people who smile
And they make me smile
I know they have issues
But they smile still
When I see a smile, I want to smile too
Each smile I see brightens up my day

Little words of hope
Small sentences
with important connections
Emotional muscles
Flying turtles
Talking stop signs
These odd ideas
Mortal angels
Ordinary Supermen
I can see
and now I am better

There are people who share these strengths
I am not always one of them
Still I am learning
To gain my super strength

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Emotional Muscles

I'm not a person
with super strength
to solve people's problems
and save their lives
ignoring what is wrong with me

I'm ordinary
I listen when you're sad
Hugs are my specialty
it's how I work to fix the wrongs
I question sometimes
but there will always be me to listen

Listening is all I can do, most times
I flit around on hummingbirds wings
until I am needed
and then I stop
I sit down
and I will always listen

Still I wish I had superstrength
to help my people
never sharing my issues
because I am not a burden to others
I just want to listen
and never share my problems
but I am not strong like that
My emotional muscles can only bear so much

my troubles come up small
in the face of others

When I hear men cry
I cry too
because it is unusual for men to cry
but also because I care
so if they cry
there must be great reason

If my stoic friend is sad
a relationship has broken
a death
just plain stress
being sick
tired of it all
I will cry with them.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Daughter of a King

I am like a snowflake
A perfect different frozen piece
One of many on the earth
Yet I have an innate worth

I am like a crystal
Changing as you view me
Always individual
In my way I'm beautiful

I am like myself
I am truly me
Difference makes me unique
I am full of hope yet meek

I am a daughter of my God
All my life I will shout praise
God has hopes and cares for me
This I know-I'm here to be.

Praising God

Snow is falling down
Painting the whole world white
The cold is pushing in my room
I hide under the covers
I don’t want to be cold
I already feel sick
My body refused to sleep
Inside my head is a thunderstorm

The night before had ended late
A friend advised me it was okay to ask
A blessing would help your plight
I did not want to ask for help
The cold is rushing through me
Stark in contrast to the blissful snow

I did end up asking for help
I knew that God cared about me
Maybe a blessing would not be bad
So I asked, and help did fly
Before my blessed friends arrived
I prayed to God I’d understand
That what He’d say would heal my hurt

I took a shower, changed my clothes
And I waited, talked to God
I told God what made me sad
Every word he understood
Though I waited, I felt good
I knew it was for the best

My Daddy called me, talked to me
Telling me what I could do
If I would take care of me
My problems wouldn’t be so big
I trusted in my Dad
And also in my Lord
I knew they both were right

Then my blessing-givers came
Dressed in suits and ties
We said a prayer, kneeling down
I don’t remember what was said
Then my blessing finally came
Priesthood power paved the way
The words they spoke I won’t forget
I hadn’t told them why I was sad
Why I needed comfort now
But God told me that I could trust
My teachers had important words
This is the place for me to be
My studies must come first, he said
Through my friend who came to me

When they left, I sat and cried
All the cold had left my heart
I could feel God’s love for me
Warmth inspired all my soul
I believed in God that day

Now I know for surety
When I speak to God out there
He can hear my every word
Even in a silent prayer
And he cares so much for me
I’m an ant among the world
Yet I’m special, that I know-
I know God will always care

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I dislike labels
Shut me up inside a box
I will cry freedom

I am not an item to classify
I have worth in ways you’ll see

Have you ever seen
A crystal’s bright, clear shimmer?
Each facet differs

Brilliant are the rainbows
We see them through such colors

Life is always new
Labels do not always fit
Some good, others bad

If everything fit labels
Then what makes me unique?

What makes a rainbow?
I am a broader spectrum
My light is endless

Every rainbow is a different thing
Even though the colors are the same

Take the time to see
All the many different facets
I have such facets

Parts of me are different
Never fitting labels.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Everyday Angels

There is an old lady crossing the street
Every single step is labored for her
Trembling wobbling steps mark her path
An angel stops to help her cross

A person struggles to solve his math
He is drowning under numbers
One more stress to bring him down
An angel listens to all his needs

Now a student out of luck
All her money gone to rent
Now she needs to eat to live
An angel buys her food as a gift

Hear a crying person in the hall
Hiding so no one will see
The one she loved rejected her
An angel hugs her, makes her laugh

There are angels every day
Mortal angels, bringing hope
Cleaning out our troubled hearts
Can I be an angel too?

Monday, November 7, 2011

What Do We Know?

You told me to write an original
Something that no one else thought
A world seen through a wall of glass
Sprinkled with shining images
Give me something absolutely new
Make me understand and know

Everything you think you know
Put it together for an original
Make connections to make it new
I want to see a single thought
Show me through these images
I must know with clarity like glass

Is there a world beyond that glass?
Is it better not to know?
If I only see small images
Maybe that world will stay original
Is it added upon by thought?
I hope it always stays this new.

As the river always is new
Even though it’s clear as glass
It is like a bending thought
The contents change what I know
Even when uttered, original
Thoughts expressed in images

Looking at these images
I see the world and it seems new
The world is a river, original
Even when it is as clear as glass
There is always something new to know
More than I had ever thought

I like that there is always thought
So we can add the images
If I knew all there was to know
The world would stop being so new
All of a sudden clearer than glass
Nothing would be original

With thought and change to make things new
What we know beyond straight glass
Images never cease to be original

Mortal Angels

Mortal angels
Take away the pretty wings
Yet angels still

Different names come out each day
For angels

Gifted with unearthly power
No they don't fly
Yet their faith brings power

Mortal angels
Cleaning out our hearts
Taping us together
In our hearts and out
Mortal angels with immortal power

Simply angels
Gifted with love
Expanded by faith
Blessed with trust
Created by God
Working their hands
Moulding our souls
Lighting up the night.

Are we angels?
Can I be an angel?
I have no wings
No superpower
Can I be an angel?
Yes, I think I can.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fred the Talking Sign

As I watch my friends with film
They dared me to do a silly thing
To go to a sign, to pick any one
Start talking and going like it was alive

I looked and I found a solitary sign
Red on the front, spray-painted over
I went with the rules, I knocked and I talked
I thought it was silly but I wanted friends

I started with questions, then said my own name
Gesturing madly to make up for the lack
Then a male voice said deep out of nowhere
Hi! My name is Fred.

I jumped and I screamed, to hear such a thing
I looked at my friends to see who it was
But they were all gone I guess they were scared
Who could it have been that had spoken to me?

The deep voice continued, it pleaded I stay
I looked for the person who had spoken to me
No one appeared, until then I saw
The spray-paint before was really a face!

I was so shocked I had not a word
But the sign said that he was a friend
He claimed to be lonely without any soul
No one around would talk so to him.

Warily sitting, I thought and I smiled
Maybe this could be fun if I try
I started to speak and I learned who Fred was
We soon were friends like the sign said

When I remembered that he was a sign
I stopped and thought of what I should do
No one believes in talking stop signs
Still I would like to keep being friends

I’ll return to my friend and open my mind
No matter what others may think of me
I’ll sit on the road and talk to my Fred
I have a friend to keep for awhile

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Trouble At Christmastime

It's supposed to be Christmastime!
But Christmas spirit has gone away
I wish it could have been with me
I wish it would actually stay

But people around me make it go
When I want love in my heart
They bite and gnash their teeth at me
They want me to be set apart

But Christmas spirit! Christmas spirit!
I wish you would not go
Please stay with me and ease my heart
Though troubles hurt me so

Such a fragile life I live in now
Balanced on thin glass
Oh wouldn't you oh Christmas spirit
Help this from me to pass?

While I hurt and while I weep
In this time of year
Oh Christmas spirit please remind me
My Savior is always near

So while my life feels wrong and dim
Please help me to see you still
I know that you will confort me
My heart you'll surely fill

True Friend

I hear a lot from friends of mine
That true friends are hard to find
That true friends are those
Who will come when you call,
When you're needing a sign
A sign that they are there for you
They'll come when called, they are true
These are they who come even when
You do not call, but still they can see you fend
You fend off those who try to attack you
Those devils small, but many, true
So who is your friend and who is not?
You'll find out when your trial is wrought
You will know, for they will catch you
When you fall, they're there too
To catch you, help you in this your time of need
They always will, that's who they are indeed

Holiday Fling

Of Christmas we hear, of Christmas we sing
Every year, it's the holiday fling
We sing and we dance, we give all away
Just this time of year, everyone will pray

But why only now do we have love in our hearts?
Shouldn't we year round have a care for those parts
Where life isn't good, where it is poor and down
But no, not at all, only for Christmas we won't frown

We give and we laugh in that holiday way
Just this once, we want others to say
That we are the good, the merciful and kind
But is it really so if it is only at this time?

Giving spirit which does come to us at the end of each year
We remember all of those who live in such great fear
Those who are hungry, who live in complete need
We remember them only at this time of good deeds

Oh how I wish it wasn't always this way
People should remember to always ever pray
We should always give to those who are in need
Shouldn't we always be doing these good deeds?

Crazy World of Today

Everyone is crazy
In the world of today
No one is normal
At least so they say

When will this mess
Ever become right?
Everyone is selfish
Always in a fight

Caring about no one
No one except themself
So how do we change it?
We are not as elves

In Christmas season
People sometimes change
But at every other time
Their ways are set and made

Won’t people ever listen?
Won’t people ever care?
When all the world is hurting
There is no one with a prayer

A prayer of hope a prayer of love
Its what should be in our hearts
But all for naught it is not so
There is none in all these parts

So love we want, love we give
Not in today’s society
So we hope for love to bring
Just a single one to thee

Let us try to somehow give
Peace and love on earth
It should be here, but while it isn’t
We will try to show our worth


What is this burning
Deep within my soul
I've felt it once
It's stronger than before

It's strongest now
It's burning free
What is this feeling?
What does it mean to me?

This feeling is sharpened
Intense, so fine
Hard to imagine
That this heart is mine

What has happened
To the girl I was?
She was someone special
Now she's brighter than the sun

What is happening
Deep within my soul
My heart is ready
To reach for it's goal

What is this feeling?
What does it mean to me?
It is so different
Why is my heart so free?

My heart is ready
It's pulsing fast
Ready for what?
You could ask

Someone special
He waits for you
For you to be ready
For you to be true

Is this what your heart
Is ready for now?
You don't know it
But you have found

That life is waiting
For that moment sweet
For you to be ready
For you two to meet

And when that meeting
Suddenly occurs
He is your one
Your heart is stirred

You will listen
So intently
For his heart's reaction
Is it steady or free?

His heart won't still
It's waited for you
And now that you're here
There's time to kill

His heart is full
And yours is too
You know he has
Waited to fill

His heart and mind
They match to you
Your heart is full
No time to kill

You look into his eyes...
And you know...
There's love in his eyes
There's love in his heart

Yours is the same...
Love overflows
Your heart and soul...
Your hearts are full...

Forever Held In Your Arms

The first time you caught me
It was with a dance
You were dancing
All alone

Then I was caught again
As I saw your smile
You danced with me
Caught my heart

Then we danced again
Till the night was gone
And my family came
To take me along

I couldnt forget you
This guy I had met
I'd seen, danced with
I'll never forget

That one night
That first dance
How fun, how grand
You spun me
And held me
I was caught in your arms
Forever held in your arms...

I went home that night
And hoped that this miracle
Would not end,
And I'd see you again

I was caught oh so easily
And I couldn't wait for more
You meant so very much to me
All from the start

I was caught oh so easily
And I couldn't wait for more
You meant so very much to me
All from the start

You danced with me
Just for one night
But that one night
Swept me off my feet

You swept me off my feet

So quiet, so thoughtful
Always ready and kind
I'm lucky, so blessed
That this is the guy I find

That one night
That first dance
How fun, how grand
You spun me
And held me
I was caught in your arms
Forever held in your arms...

Many Sides of Me

I see the world before me
And I wonder-do they see me?
Does anyone see all the pieces
All the pieces that make up me?

I watch the everyday workings
The ways of everyday life
I follow my own path
That is the same for every time

I walk slowly or quickly
Depending on the day
Sometimes I’m happy and cheerful
Sometimes sadness comes my way

I listen close for every word
I ignore the hateful sound
Every day a new day it seems
Every day a new life to be found

The people who see me, do they see me?
Do they see who I really am?
No one knows, not even I know
Who the true me is. Who can?

I search through mind and memory
To see if I can find me
Is it possible that in my eyes you see
A reflection of yourself to see?

No, it isn’t possible, that such as I
Could ever hope to be
Similar to anyone
In any day or mind you may see

Some days I’m a dork and a klutz
But others might not even know
They have only seen me calm and efficient
Confident as others pass or go

Other people know me as silly and blonde
No common sense to be found
While some few know that I am not-
I am smart inside and out

Poetic, descriptive, great with words
This is what some say
But I disagree-that’s not me
I’m still silly if I may

I flit around from subject to subject
Random as the stars
When you try to talk to me
I’m in outer space or on pause

Sometimes I love, truly love
Everyone in the world
Other days I hate them all
They hurt so much-I’m curled

Curled up in a ball, hiding away
Hoping nobody notices
No one will care, it’s not like I’m there
Even when I’m going to this

This extreme, this wonder, this everything
Can’t you see my eyes wide?
For I am gone, to another idea
A place where it doesn’t hurt inside

I’m gone away, most of the day
Someone may someday know
Do you? Or you? Or you or you?
To you have I really shown?

So who is me? Truly me?
No one truly knows
For there are many sides of me
Just waiting to someday be shown

I still don’t know all of me
There is so much of me to explore
So if you can tell me who is me
I’m grateful for what you’ve given and more

I Don't Believe In Fairy Tales

I don’t believe in fairy tales
They just don’t
Come true for me

I’ve never believed in fairy tales
Or that wishes come true
They haven’t ever
Never ever
Come true for me

I wish I believed in fairy tales
With princes and dreams
That really do come true

I can’t believe in fairy tales
If I did
Where is that prince of my dreams?

That Handsome prince
On a shining white horse
Dressed in shining armor
Like they always say

But I have to face life
And bitter reality
I have to know
That it’s only a dream

You can see why I don’t believe in fairy tales
Where everything
Is happy-ever after

I wish I still believed
That there’s some prince
Waiting for me

Though I know….
There isn’t one there.

So now
I still wish I believed in those fairy tales
With hope shining through dark night
But now
I know there isn’t fairy tales
It’s just a dream
A dream for such as me
Who wishes and hopes
While trying not to believe…

Scared of Cars

It's a replay inside my mind
Whenever I sit down to drive
Or even just sit in a car
It doesn't matter who you are

Who is driving, where we're going
It doesn't change, the replay not slowing
No matter who or where we are
We are still inside this car

Every curve or turn we make
I'm afraid to hit a snowbank
Just a little off the road
I'm tense and worried, for it has snowed

Snow and slush, such deadly things
Catch your car, pull it into the wings
Who will know what you could hit?
So easy to fall into this pit

Scared and nervous, wherever I go
If it's in a car, I wanna go slow
Don't put me behind the wheel
I am so nervous, I'd jump and squeal

Especially when I see a tree
It brings back every memory
I want to cry, I'm scared so bad
Just being in a car-isn't it sad?

The screams, the shouts, thoughts in my mind
I'm pleading, hoping that we don't die
Oh please oh please just let us stop
I'm feeling faint, ready to drop

Pain erupts, my chest, it hurts
I try not to cry but it doesn't work
I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused
I wish that life had some kind of pause

Everyone is worried-"are you okay?"
Obviously not, and it's back on replay
Tears do form, and I'm crying free
Won't that scene just let me be?

Every day hurting, always something new
My chest, side and my back-all hurting, it's true
Time goes by, but it all is still fresh
Weeks go by, but it all seems to mesh

It's been a month now since it all happened
Yet everything still hurts, though all of life does beckon
Emotionally and physically, pain to my core
I wish it didn't hurt, for I am very sore...

The Perfect Guy

He is sweet, kind and gentle
Loving always, and sentimental
Listening to everything you say
In that simple special way
He waits and listens when you cry
He will comfort and wipe your eyes
He listens close for your every word
And because of this you know he’s heard
He knows how to laugh and when it’s not right
He holds you close in day or night
When you are in need you know he is there
All your burdens he will try to bear
Doing everything you want to do
He knows how to make you happy too
Unselfish with all his life
He will help you at any time
No matter what he wants to help you
Just because it’s what he wants to do.
Love ever exists in his heart
Such a love we all want a part
So I am glad he is with me
He is my true love I now have seen

Where Is The Christmas Spirit?

Where is the Christmas spirit?
Wherever has it gone?
It should be there with each and every one
It should be here at home

Where is the Christmas spirit?
It is not in that awful place
Where people backstab and riot
They drive it from this place

Where is the Christmas spirit?
Can't we find it in our homes?
But people are yelling and shouting
No Christmas spirit in their tone

We must have Christmas spirit!
Will it be banned from every school?
To become "holiday spirit"
For the "politically correctness" pool?


Blowing, swirling, whirling fast
White and light it soon may pass
But while it is here, let us enjoy
The brightness of flurries, sing out "Oh joy!"
Floating not falling through the air
Their dance is beautiful-I stop and stare
I watch in wonder, awe and glory
To see this snow fall so slowly
As it settles in perfect form
You know the form will soon be torn
As footsteps ravage the gentle snow
It's original form will not be shown
Until again some snow will fall
It will build up to be so tall
Spinning in circles in it's dance sublime
Not one can say that "this snow is mine"
Beautiful and soft it may glide through the air
But you know that sometimes snow isn't fair
Waylaying some, or letting others go
Sometimes such beauty is a deathtrap so
Blinding some and freezing others
Snow does not care, it has no brothers
Yet it will fall in it's dance against time
It loves to float around in the air sublime
So simply it will fall, and build from the sky
For snow like us all does love to fly
We will all enjoy it while it is here
Shaping it, playing in it, in this time of year
May the simple snow bring gladness to our hearts
All lightness and joy to all other parts

Savior Divine

Oh Savior dear, oh Savior mine
I thank thee for your love divine
For your love has shown me the way
The way to see what things to say
So Savior dear I'll thank thee so
Your love causes mine to overflow
Savior divine, oh Savior dear
You've taught me to give without fear


This pain I feel deep inside
Can't you see it in my eyes?
My voice I mask so you can't hear
The pain I feel without you near

My eyes are wet with tears unshed
This pain inside it has not fled
From in my heart and in my mind
I somehow wish that I was not of time

So uncertain a life that time does make
But is my wish some big mistake?
My life askew from what I know
Everything is wrong-tell me it isn't so

What did I do to create such regrets
Such regrets I wish I could just forget
My life is wrong, this much I know
How to make it right is the question, though

Much of it stems from that one so bright
His love he gives holds me high in the night
But he is so far, so far away
But our love does not dim, no matter what others may say

But it is this love which hurts so much
It's sad to say but it's truth to touch
When he is so far away from me
It is sadness in my eyes you see

Though he is far, you'd never know
That his love and mine would hurt me so
I hide it well, you soon will see
These hidden hurts are inside of me.

But if you see within my eyes
A deeper hurt so great in size
You will now know my pain inside
Should you have read this poem I hide?

Out Of Place

Do you ever feel
Kind of out of place
No one understands
Why you’re all that way
Have you ever known
What’s inside of you?
It’s bursting through
It’s here for you

It’s in your life
It’s in your mind
It’s out of place
It’s right outside
It’s here for you
And now you’ll find
What’s been hiding
in your mind

Have you ever seen
Things that don’t make sense
When you wish for strength
Of heart and mind
And loving life
Two opposites
In life they’ll find

It’s in your life
It’s in your mind
It’s out of place
It’s right outside
It’s here for you
And now you’ll find
What’s been hiding
in your mind

Life is a path
that is found amidst
our answers to silent prayers
When we come together
And we understand
The part of our lives
That will never end.

It’s in your life
It’s in your mind
It’s out of place
It’s right outside
It’s here for you
And now you’ll find
What’s been hiding
in your mind

When you’re out of place
Living life
Fighting through
You will see
what you’ve gone through
You’re strength of mind
And heart
It’s you.

Another World

My heart is far from here
Maybe it's flown away
Away to that other world
Where life is easy, we play

Where life doesn't ever hurt
This is where my heart does go
It's in this world of poetry
My heart is safe from all that hurts us so

Each heart has traveled to their world
Where life's worries do float away
So when my life is hard or down
My heart and mind go to say

It is in my world so filled with love
That I do go, whenever I can
For I know, as you know, as we all know
That these worlds are an escape from man

When life is rough, when life is hard
I can just open up my book
A book to read, a book of poetry,
As soon as I stop and look

My world is calm, without a care
Unlike the cares of this world
And I hope we'll always know where to go
Just fly away with wings unfurled

On wings so light, let your heart fly
To the world inside your mind
For your world is safer than here-
You will start to find

So whenever you look, wherever you go
Remember your life is good
For your life has another life
Inside your mind, underneath the hood

So fly away whenever you can
When life, it seems unfair
For you will see, as I have seen
That this world is always there

You float away to a distant place
without going anywhere
So enjoy this world...
You will find it within your mind

Trusting Me

Sometimes I wonder
If I share too much
Too much of me
So far to touch

These pieces of me
So sacred and true
All special to me
And hard to appreciate for you

It's hard, I think
For all to understand
These pieces of me
They make up who I am

These special things
Shared so willingly
Will someday hurt
When I'm older and free

I fear that I
Someday will be
Hurt deep and hard
For my simple trust in everybody

Its true I trust
Everyone a lot
But is it wrong?
I dont know, it's not taught

Story Of My Life

What do you do
You live in the wrong place
Life's a mystery
Wearing the wrong face

Everything is wrong
Where everything is right
This oxymoron
It wants to fight

People here
So kind so gentle
People I love
They're all sentimental

That's me too
I love that way
But the guys are wrong
Even through all we say

They smile they wave
They love me too
But not in that way
I would wish they would

I try not to dwell
On my problems now
My friends they have
Problems they've found

So I try to help
I stretch myself thin
Not thinking of self
I want them to win

Then I think to myself,
Am I doing this right?
Am I giving enough of self?
Am I? Should I fight?

Should I give more or less?
Am i good enough?
No, not yet

I will give more,
I think, I'll try
But how do I know
If i've given enough this time?

Am I selfless or selfish?
For my life's whole goal
Is to be that person
Who is known to uphold

I will be that person
Who gives so much
That's why I am loved
That's truth to touch

I hope I'm there
When you need me
I'll always try
For I've been needy

I know what it's like
Feeling sad and down
I hope you'll trust me
And try me out

Please don't hesitate
To turn to me
Though I have problems
I will help, you'll see

How much I love
My friends and family
They all mean so much
And are dear to me

I don't deserve them
Yes I do
For as they have helped me
So will I try to help you

Oh how much I owe
The ones I love
Their beauty straight
From up above

They make me whole
And who I am
I just hope
That they can understand

Music In Our Lives

In the sea of all life
In the garden of what's right
Music fills each and every soul

In calamity or in calm
Everyone hears a song
Permeating everywhere they go

Song smiles on every hand
Of all those who can understand
The power of music in our lives

It can be heard everywhere
There is music in the air
When we go out and open our ears

A song is held in each heart
When one leaves, another cannot part
For song will ever live on inside of us

If we listen, we will hear
The gladness and spring, nothing to fear
For music is there in each and every heart

Even when it is quiet and dark
Music will never from us part
It will stay in our hearts and minds

Song, like sunshine, like spring
It will ever and always bring
Life to all our lives

Inside Me

Sometimes I feel like such a baby
When I cry at all the little things
When I sit out all the little hurts
They don't know how I feel deep inside

When my pain hurts the most
When it's all deep inside
They don't know how
All the little things
Hurt so much
With what's held inside

I've had a lot of the little hurts
That are better within a day
But sometimes the little hurts
Overwhelm me-I start to cry

When my pain hurts the most
When it's all deep inside
They don't know how
All the little things
Hurt so much
With what's held deep inside

When little hurts overwhelm me
Oh how oh how can I stand?
With my pain that I'm feeling
Seems there's no way for me to stand

When my pain hurts the most
When it's all deep inside
They don't know how
All the little things
Hurt so much
With what's held deep inside

And it's then oh it's then that I need you
And it's then that I turn to you
Cause with everything that I'm feeling
Seems there's nothing else I can do

When my pain hurts the most
When it's all deep inside
You don't know how
All the little things
Hurt so much
With everything I've held deep inside

Can You Hear Me Crying

Can you hear me crying
Can you hear me speak
Can you hear me cry for
Your voice in the deep

Can you hear me crying
My tears soft as petals
For I'm here crying
For your love

For your love...

I need your love,
I need you there
I need you helping
I need you to care

Can you hear me crying
My tears all alone
My tears at your welcome
My tears when you're gone

My tears when I want you
Want you to be near
When life overwhelms me
I want you here...

Your arms held around me
Comforting, warm
Your lips touch my face
And I know...
That you care...
That you care!

I need your love
Your friendship filled hand
Your love as a brother,
Your love as a friend
When I'm here crying
I want you there
You wipe away the tears
You've answered my prayer

So when I'm here crying
I know you care
When I'm here speaking
I know that you're there
That you will listen
To every word now
And I'm not alone
I'm never alone
I know...
For you're there

Cause you're there

Your arms held around me
Comforting, warm
Your lips touch my face
I know you care
Your arms pull me closer
Closer to you
And I know
I have your love
You're there for me

I pray that you'll be there
When I'm in need
I hold you closely
To heart and mind
I gladly welcome
You when you do call
I understand better

And I love...


Little devils swiftly creep
Searching in the night
They catch the floating dreams they see
My dream has come in sight

They play with me, with all they've found
Searching through all memories
My dream has become a nightmare
In everything they let me see

Here I see a friend's funeral
Though my friend isn't dead
How could it be that my friend had died?
There's nobody to take her stead

The next I see from faint memory
Confusion fills sublime
The devils within my head have fun
While I in my dreamworld cry

The confusion they love, it smothers
For my dream feels real to me
And when I awake, I expect to find
Heartache, sadness in all I see

Fantastical or fairytale
So will the devils choose
To play as they will with my mind
How can I say "I'm through!"?

They will not stop, nor listen to me
Even after I awake
For they'll be back in torment again
Whenever it seems I'm faint

Monday, October 17, 2011

If God Had A Facebook

Who can count the grains of sand
Lying on the beach?
Who can see the universe
And see the planets each

I know God knows me
I’m a grain of sand
On a tiny planet
I am just one hand

If God had a Facebook
I would be his friend
Facebook might just break
His friends would never end

God can see the universe
He knows us one and all
If he were on Facebook
My cares would come up small

Every day on Facebook
Drama holds the reins
There are those who comfort
Others know their pains

Fights may start on Facebook
Even in the home
Crying eyes and sometimes more
Thoughts that grow and roam

But with God on Facebook
Troubles may just cease
He would ever listen
He would give me peace

Even without Facebook
God is really there
If we simply turn to him
If we share a prayer

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Migraine in my head-away!
I want you to never stay
Ticking, chiming, endless clock
Hitting against a concrete block
Give me my mind, I pray

A tug of war inside my head
I really want to go to bed
No I don’t want this, no more!
You have made my head so sore!
My face is yelling red.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Poetry Is

Poetry is flowing letters
An alphabet cereal pouring on the page
Following the milk before it
Sweet, not sour, in the words

Poetry is inquiry
A question answered, a problem solved
Crumpled pages of written wrong
Ending up with beautiful words

Poetry is a gift
A father teaching his son to love
And a baby's first steps, her parent's smiles
The Samaritan taking pity on a stranger

Poetry is a nature, a life
Slightly tilted for the view
See the sun, the ice bound trees
Giving way to spring at last

Poetry is a learning experience
When we think we know a truth
Arrayed in different shades of gray
We see a different side

Monday, October 3, 2011

1 Nephi Chapter 8

Lehi dreamed another dream
A tree of life, the fruit does gleam
Lehi saw which sons would be saved
Laman and Lemuel remained depraved

An angel led Lehi through the dark
Lehi prayed, his faith the spark
"Mercy please, for I'm afraid
I will do as thou hast bade"

The angel led him to God's own fruit
A tree of life, with joy to pursuit
Lehi wanted his family to partake
He bade them come and not forsake

Laman and Lemuel refused to go
Though their family enjoyed it so
A rod of iron, a path appeared
It led to the tree, it was revered

A multitude was pressing on
And mists of darkness rose like smog
Some did pass this scary trial
Others were stuck, or left the aistle

A spacious building was the next task
Some who partook were ashamed, left with a mask
There were those who followed God's way
Others left, and mocked their stay

Some were drowned in rivers of sin
Others lost in darkness therein
When some heed the scornful words
They fell away in flocks and herds

Laman and Lemuel did cast away
Lehi feared that there they would stay
In sin to hearken not God's truth
Lehi exhorts, "change while in thy youth"

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Winds of Change

Flowing wind-
Currents go in all directions
No beginning
No end
Just wind.

People lost in fog
Items swirl
A tornado
Kaleidoscope of belongings
A pack rat
In the wind

Endless sea of current
Marking life
Points of interest
Gifts as passage
Trial and error

Empty and alone
No color
Moved by whim
No rules
Forever- an infinity
All across the world

Pebbles flying in the wind
Each a life
Broken shards of rock
Wind smooths the edges
Corners gone
Polished stones
Moving through the wind
Perfection in a pebble

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Prayer is a heartbeat, a learning, and trust
If we take the time to give God a chance
By faith the Spirit speaks-listen we must
We will hear our answers, we must advance

Scriptures can teach us truth in all the world
In the scriptures our answers will be found
Instead of dying in a sea so twirled
We can grasp the truth and be saved, not drowned

God will give us every chance to repent
Merciful if we turn to him in prayer
When we trust in God and his angels sent
God will help to guide us through our every care

God and angels wanting us to only win
In this mighty battle against our sin

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

1 Nephi Chapter 7

God commands that they go back
This command was met without slack
For Ishmael's family, for new wives
This great blessing changed their lives

At their return they all were wed
In the wilderness, they tread
Having wives wasn't enough for them
Laman and Lemuel want Jerusalem

Nephi grieved that his brothers fought
They were blind, even when angels taught
God had given them a chance
Every time they turn from God's advance

Faith will bring the Spirit's voice
He has led and saved us, rejoice!
Nephi's brothers tied his hands
So Nephi prayed, "God help me break these bands!"

Ishmael's daughters plead with them
Brothers sorrow, forgiveness did stem
Nephi told them to repent
They thank God in their father's tent

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

1 Nephi Chapter 6

Lehi’s family from that line
Of one Joseph of colors fine
Joseph sold in slavery
Son of Jacob and bravery

Precious things to write in gold
Nephi wrote and God controlled
Inspiration leads the way
Nephi knows what God does say

Simply said the plates are made
For mankind to teach and persuade
Tell the people who is God
Learning of the Iron Rod

All the things which Nephi wrote
Giv’n by God that we may quote
These are truths, which we must know
We must know which way to go

1 Nephi Chapter 5

A visionary man said she
As she worried for her sons
Mourning, murmuring, a plea
God to blame it seemed to be

Lehi comforted his wife
Promising that God would lead
The sons return did answer need
They had finished a Godly deed

Lehi sacrifices to the Lord
The plates of brass with blessings stored
And a heritage of man
All their faith was then restored

Lehi with the Spirit speaks
That the plates would go to all
Every nation, great or tall
Every tongue will read of Paul

God did promise of his plates
Forever, always kept in store
For the people forevermore
Faith we would obtain, explore

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Pain of Lost Love

Every moment that I can’t stop thinking
Time keeps moving and simply forges on
When I dive into my dreams believing
I regret when I awake, my dream is gone

When my sorrows seem to be non-ending
I must learn to look at my life anew
Facing the truth will teach me pretending
As I must present a mask, no tears in view

Caring for another gives me sorrow
I am wracked with the pain of losing love
Salty tears mark the path to tomorrow
Hoping for my dreams return from above

As I learn the complex pain of caring
I will hope for a lack of despairing

Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Poem's Poetry

Poetry will make me fly on angel wings of peace
Giving me the strength to try a different kind of piece
When I read another work I find a newer place
Broadening my simple view to see all time and space

Some confusion lends me work to figure out in rhyme
When I feel that sense of need I feel that I have time
Looking out upon the world and something stops my eye
When I see a simple rock or bird is flying by

If an image seems to be more than what it is
I must look and think a lot of why it makes me quiz
When a poem wants to start, I must find the beat
If the poem wants to be, I must make it sweet

Starting with a whisper, then a single word
When the poem lives, I will know I'm heard
People live like poems, changing to be great
Once a little thing grows to have much weight

Poems much like people are complex to a t
Sometimes simple poems wish to only be
With the proper words the message will be born
Growing, understanding, till we all are worn

My Top Ten Poems according to Anna Nicole Leiter

1 Poetry Is

2 Hands

3 Daughter of a King

4 If God had a Facebook

5 Winds of Change

6 Empty Pages

7 More Than Just A Box

8 Labels

9 Dancing in the Snow

10 Fred the Sign

DISCLAIMER: There are many great poems in my collection, these are merely the top ten chosen by Anna Nicole Leiter, chosen for various reasons, and she encourages anyone to read the rest of my poems to decide if you agree with her opinion.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Poem About Poetry

I find poems give a soothing kind of peace
When I am confused, or when I need release
Reading others work helps me learn with mine
Often I will seek another type of line

What I hope to gain is broad, never dense
Simply I would like my poems to make sense
Still the odd word will interrupt my rhyme
Somehow it is soothing, knowing I have time

When a poem starts, I start with what it is
What has made me think, or what has made me quiz
Things that are uncertain, what has made me sad
When I think to write, always I am glad

People are like poems, complex to a t
As with people sometimes, poems wish to be
First the thought preparing, then a single word
Sometimes with a whisper, it alone is heard

Monday, September 19, 2011

1 Nephi Chapter 4

Nephi trusted God would lead
With this faith he did proceed
He was led to Laban's side
Nephi knew he must decide

Yet the Spirit bade him think
For without the plates, the link,
Precious teachings never taught
He must find what he has sought

He must slay this wicked man
He could stop the Gospel plan
There are laws which they must know
Nephi worked to make it so

Nephi dressed as Laban had
Then he found the scribe, a lad
He sent Zoram for the plates
They walked out, right through the gates

Nephi's brothers ran in fright
Then they heard his voice outright
Zoram ran and he was stopped
Giv'n the choice, he did adopt

1 Nephi Chapter 3

Lehi had a new command
That his sons go back, a band.
To Jerusalem for more
There the records kept in store

Nephi knew with God he could
Laman, Lemuel doubt he should
Righteous hands should hold the plates
Not the ones behind the gates

Nephi's faith did guide the way
When they fail, then he would pray
Nephi would not let down God
He was beaten with a rod

Angels came to stop the fight
Counseling it could be right
God had seen them try and fail
With God's help they would avail

1 Nephi Chapter 2

Lehi slept and had a dream
God commands-no glitter gleam
Take your family far away
It is not safe for you to stay

Pack your life, provisions, all
Jerusalem will surely fall
Older brothers do not care
For, to them, God is not there

Lehi taught with God's own voice
Laman and Lemuel had no choice
Murmurs stopped, the witness there
Nephi knelt in mighty prayer

God did bless him with his might
Nephi chose to choose the right
Though his brothers went astray
Nephi knew God was the way

1 Nephi Chapter 1

Nephi's parents taught him well
Faith and love-his heart to swell
Lehi followed God's command
He was chosen as God's hand

Lehi warned the people fast
But his happiness won't last
None believed his words as true
Though the Lord told him to do

Nephi knew his father right
So he followed father's light
Though the people spoke and scorned
Lehi's fam'ly left, and mourned

God shows mercies to his all
Lehi knew he would not fall
As he trusted in the Lord
Lehi's family gained reward

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Facing Our Fears

Shadows all around us
Creeping in the night
Herding us together
Strings attached-our fright

Cold wind blows-we shiver
Fearing the tug of one
Shadows of the moment
They have stopped the sun

Still we huddle closer
As the shadows feast
Warmer, wishing warmer
As we fear the beast

When the shadows find you
For they will, my dear
The best thing you should learn
Is how to face your fear

Disaster Strikes

When a flood will tend to strike
Or tornado sweeps the land
Earthquake shatters perfect life
Avalanche of crystal snow

Famine of our precious food
Fire burns, leaving none

When a thing of great import
Happens to our perfect life
Or when people hurt each other
It is news we all must know

So we may feel sorrier
Death that sweeps our very land

What about the single ones?
Not the people vast in number
Families which lose their home
People hurt are oft ignored

Look at those who need the help
Those around your own life

Don't just help because of news
Help because you wish to care
Living life affects us all
Give it to the ones who need

People need much more you know
In an age of so much pain

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

God v. Satan

God is part of every word
Down to language at it's base
Every thought that we have heard
God and Satan face to face

Learning comes from hand of God
Satan pushes all our fear
We are taught to hold the rod
Though contention feels too near

Every subject taught with love
Is opposed by Satan's wrath
Knowledge brings me heav'n above
Hate and hurt-I need a bath

When I study, faith and prayer
I have courage and God's might
When I worry, stress is there
I have sunk to Satan's sight

Common things of every day
Bring me up and bring me down
Learn to listen, learn to pray
Or be sadder than a frown

Wednesday, August 31, 2011


I feel at times that you don't know
You cannot see the life I lead
And even though it's hard to show
You cannot see the tears I bleed

The stress, it feels in hurts and aches
I cannot sleep at times you see
And as I die, my heart it breaks
The weight of worlds it seems to be

My life a wreck before begun
I fear unknown which lies ahead
My greatest wish-to see the sun
I strive to learn, I've made my bed.

In merely days the world will change
I pack my life with little time
I feel I must, to rearrange
My life a mess just like my rhyme.

Empty Pages

An empty page, it calls to me
Waiting for my thoughts and prayer
Knowing God is really there
Fills me with a will to be

Once a thought is now a rhyme
Written on my empty page
Turmoil, thoughts, inside will rage
Now a notebook gives me time

With a purpose more than space
I have pages there to fill
Scattered bits of my free will
Come together, promising grace

Empty pages calling me
All together, yes I can
When my thoughts had ran and ran
Now I know, the world will see

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

He Is There

He is there through all our life
He knows all our toil and strife
He bore pain beyond compare
Our burdens his to truly bear

Suffering he felt it too
All our pain he knew was true
He has borne our every pain
All of that was for our gain

A Try at Iambic Pentameter

If I could walk out of my life I would

I’m tired of the things I see I should

I should make it all okay as I can

But pouring in the rain I ran and ran

I wish for blindness so I could not see

The truth of life I wish would let me be

So sad it is that people have such pain

Their tears fall down just like the pouring rain

And people hurt each other with their words

Their speech is all too common like the birds

As birds scream insults through the very trees

Our insults would bring people to their knees

But pain holds not much of a place with me

My wish to people-take the time to see

Instead of taking time to make a fight

We should stop and look at making things right

Let out laughter when they would fight a smile

I’d be glad to see smiling all the while

Hearing this good would take my pain away

Saving my every tear for a rainy day

May we all look out for more than bad things?

When we see well we learn to fly with wings

Maybe the angels in our midst will fly

They have learned what it means to touch the sky

And I have grown so much from meeting you

I think I know who I am yes it’s true

Much thanks I have to give to you this time

For you have led me through this very rhyme

I gladly learn as learning comes my way

Today I did learn how to really pray

I took a chance and let in gratitude

Now I have changed my very attitude

Monday, January 10, 2011


God makes angels every day
Every post for shades of gray
Helping us that we each may
Look for sun and find a ray

If we look for silver line
We can find the day is fine
A toast! A toast! And we will dine
For we can say one day is “mine”

Yet some will look at just the bad
The things in life that make us sad
Or even make us angry, mad
To fall through life, no landing pad

Some may see only their fear
Some of these will turn to beer
Drinking ‘til that bliss is near
Ignorance may stop a tear

Angels yet will wait with love
Shower hope from God above
Peace will come with white-a dove
We can see what good is of

Yet it would seem true to me
Without bad we would not see
Good in life as it would be
Somehow bad is good, maybe

Loving God is always there
When we think of life not fair
When we think not one would care
He will hear your fervent prayer

Take a chance and see the good
Sometimes life misunderstood
If you stop, yes if you would
See the angels if you could

More Than Just A Box-Edited Version

I'm not a perfect little box
That some would organize
I'm more than fancy silver locks
Or ones you'd classify

More than klutzy, more than fun
I'm smart and shrewdly wise
Naive I'm not so quit your "hun"
Or face this smile's disguise

I'm forced to be Miss Goody good
So worry naught for me
A carbon copy piece of wood
Remaining til I'm free

There's more to me than just a smile
Or friendly fragile wave
Although I'm human all the while
I'll try to just "behave"

I yearn to be unique and new
Discover who I am
To learn when I myself is true
Help me through this jam

For I am not a perfect box
I'm more than what I seem
Though labeled with your typecast rocks
I will become my dream